While Simon was doing emails yesterday I walked over bridge and found a couple of Brocantes (literal translation is ‘Junk’). The first one was too clean and expensive and the owner was not keen to let me in, but he had some friendly customers who showed me the beautiful split cane he uses to repair chairs. The next one was my favourite kind, old rusty farm implements, baths, prams and tricycles outside and rooms and rooms of various delightful objects – I was too excited to take photos, however my interaction with the proprietor was somewhat disconcerting. His first words to me were ‘J’adore’. I quickly worked out (to my relief) that he had recognised my perfume!

I bought some tinware and then continued up the road where there was a magnificent baby chateau – or witches house, for sale – behind forbidding fences it had wonderful turrets and an ancient summer house with a dove cote on the roof. I could almost imagine living there.

We found a little Jazz concert in the square later on, a little stage lit up, very atmospheric.