There is a bridge half-way down Le Bassin de l’Arsenal from which there is a lovely view of the Lady Mary, She is on the right with the blue canopy, If you look at the biggest version of this photo you can see a boat heading into the tunnel under the Bastile. There is winged golden flying Angle (the Colonne de Juillet) in the Place de la Bastille in the background. The side canal off the Siene where Le Bassin is goes on thru Paris and there are cruises. We weren’t tempted.
- Étang de Thau (14)
- Canal de Bourgogne (3)
- Canal de La Robine (5)
- Canal de Montech à Montauban (2)
- Canal du Midi (35)
- Canal du Nivernais (5)
- Canal du Rhône à Sète (7)
- Canal latéral à la Loire (7)
- Canal lateral a la Garonne (12)
- Canal St. Martin (1)
- France (63)
- Hérault (10)
- Italy (3)
- L'Yonne (1)
- La Garrone (2)
- Le Lez (2)
- Netherlands (5)
- Seine (1)
- Tarn (1)
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