A wonderful arrival in Narbonne. Lady Mary and crew in good heart and it is so fantastic to relax, read, eat and drink. It was hot and dusty in Narbonne but we had a good park under an unidentified tree with seeds like brussel sprouts. Our first research item was lunch at the covered market. The chef ordered fresh meat from the various stalls and then caught the little parcels as they were thrown to him, all orders carried out with a megaphone. I don’t think I am a good enough catch to do likewise. We had delicious steak and chips, Simon had horse.The next day we listened to a brass band playing in honour of the longest spring roll, we had had too many cakes to sample it.

We bought beautiful little rainbow trout at the same market, also melon, cheeses, bread and cakes. We have travelled back up to the canal du Midi. Last night tied up near the river where we had a lovely swim and watched a menagerie of dogs playing and tonight we are moored in Colombiers and booked into the famous Au Lavoir restaurant to-night. Tomorrow we will cook dinner on the boat in Beziers.